Working with Signals

So far we’ve used some simple examples of using signal, which returns a ReadSignal getter and a WriteSignal setter.

Getting and Setting

There are a few basic signal operations:


  1. .read() returns a read guard which dereferences to the value of the signal, and tracks any future changes to the value of the signal reactively. Note that you cannot update the value of the signal until this guard is dropped, or it will cause a runtime error.
  2. .with() takes a function, which receives the current value of the signal by reference (&T), and tracks the signal.
  3. .get() clones the current value of the signal and tracks further changes to the value.

.get() is the most common method of accessing a signal. .read() is useful for methods that take an immutable reference, without cloning the value ( .with() is useful if you need to do more with that reference, but want to make sure you don’t hold onto the lock longer than you need.


  1. .write() returns a write guard which is a mutable reference to the value of the signal, and notifies any subscribers that they need to update. Note that you cannot read from the value of the signal until this guard is dropped, or it will cause a runtime error.
  2. .update() takes a function, which receives a mutable reference to the current value of the signal (&mut T), and notifies subscribers. (.update() doesn’t return the value returned by the closure, but you can use .try_update() if you need to; for example, if you’re removing an item from a Vec<_> and want the removed item.)
  3. .set() replaces the current value of the signal and notifies subscribers.

.set() is most common for setting a new value; .write() is very useful for updating a value in place. Just as is the case with .read() and .with(), .update() can be useful when you want to avoid the possibility of holding on the write lock longer than you intended to.


These traits are based on trait composition and provided by blanket implementations. For example, Read is implemented for any type that implements Track and ReadUntracked. With is implemented for any type that implements Read. Get is implemented for any type that implements With and Clone. And so on.

Similar relationships exist for Write, Update, and Set.

This is worth noting when reading docs: if you only see ReadUntracked and Track as implemented traits, you will still be able to use .with(), .get() (if T: Clone), and so on.

Working with Signals

You might notice that .get() and .set() can be implemented in terms of .read() and .write(), or .with() and .update(). In other words, count.get() is identical to count.with(|n| n.clone()) or, and count.set(1) is implemented by doing count.update(|n| *n = 1) or *count.write() = 1.

But of course, .get() and .set() are nicer syntax.

However, there are some very good use cases for the other methods.

For example, consider a signal that holds a Vec<String>.

let (names, set_names) = signal(Vec::new());
if names.get().is_empty() {

In terms of logic, this is simple enough, but it’s hiding some significant inefficiencies. Remember that names.get().is_empty() clones the value. This means we clone the whole Vec<String>, run is_empty(), and then immediately throw away the clone.

Likewise, set_names replaces the value with a whole new Vec<_>. This is fine, but we might as well just mutate the original Vec<_> in place.

let (names, set_names) = signal(Vec::new());
if {

Now our function simply takes names by reference to run is_empty(), avoiding that clone, and then mutates the Vec<_> in place.

Thread Safety and Thread-Local Values

You may have noticed, either by reading the docs or by experimenting with your own applications, that the values that are stored in signals must be Send + Sync. This is because the reactive system actually supports multi-threading: signals can be sent across threads, and the whole reactive graph can work across multiple threads. (This is especially useful when doing server-side rendering with server frameworks like Axum, which use Tokio’s multi-threaded executor.) In most cases, this has no effect on what you do: ordinary Rust data types are Send + Sync by default.

However, the browser environment is only single-threaded unless you use a Web Worker, and the JavaScript types provided by wasm-bindgen and web-sys are all explicitly !Send. This mean they can’t be stored in ordinary signals.

As a result, we provide “local” alternatives for each of the signal primitives, which can be used to store !Send data. You should only reach for these when you have a !Send browser type you need to store in a signal.

Nightly Syntax

When using the nightly feature and nightly syntax, calling a ReadSignal as a function is syntax sugar for .get(). Calling a WriteSignal as a function is syntax sugar for .set(). So

let (count, set_count) = signal(0);

is the same as

let (count, set_count) = signal(0);

This is not just syntax sugar, but makes for a more consistent API by making signals semantically the same thing as functions: see the Interlude.

Making signals depend on each other

Often people ask about situations in which some signal needs to change based on some other signal’s value. There are three good ways to do this, and one that’s less than ideal but okay under controlled circumstances.

Good Options

1) B is a function of A. Create a signal for A and a derived signal or memo for B.

// A
let (count, set_count) = signal(1);
// B is a function of A
let derived_signal_double_count = move || count.get() * 2;
// B is a function of A
let memoized_double_count = Memo::new(move |_| count.get() * 2);

For guidance on whether to use a derived signal or a memo, see the docs for Memo

2) C is a function of A and some other thing B. Create signals for A and B and a derived signal or memo for C.

// A
let (first_name, set_first_name) = signal("Bridget".to_string());
// B
let (last_name, set_last_name) = signal("Jones".to_string());
// C is a function of A and B
let full_name = move || format!("{} {}", &*, &*;

3) A and B are independent signals, but sometimes updated at the same time. When you make the call to update A, make a separate call to update B.

// A
let (age, set_age) = signal(32);
// B
let (favorite_number, set_favorite_number) = signal(42);
// use this to handle a click on a `Clear` button
let clear_handler = move |_| {
  // update both A and B

If you really must...

4) Create an effect to write to B whenever A changes. This is officially discouraged, for several reasons: a) It will always be less efficient, as it means every time A updates you do two full trips through the reactive process. (You set A, which causes the effect to run, as well as any other effects that depend on A. Then you set B, which causes any effects that depend on B to run.) b) It increases your chances of accidentally creating things like infinite loops or over-re-running effects. This is the kind of ping-ponging, reactive spaghetti code that was common in the early 2010s and that we try to avoid with things like read-write segregation and discouraging writing to signals from effects.

In most situations, it’s best to rewrite things such that there’s a clear, top-down data flow based on derived signals or memos. But this isn’t the end of the world.

I’m intentionally not providing an example here. Read the Effect docs to figure out how this would work.