Leptos Developer Experience Improvements

There are a couple of things you can do to improve your experience of developing websites and apps with Leptos. You may want to take a few minutes and set up your environment to optimize your development experience, especially if you want to code along with the examples in this book.

1) Set up console_error_panic_hook

By default, panics that happen while running your WASM code in the browser just throw an error in the browser with an unhelpful message like Unreachable executed and a stack trace that points into your WASM binary.

With console_error_panic_hook, you get an actual Rust stack trace that includes a line in your Rust source code.

It's very easy to set up:

  1. Run cargo add console_error_panic_hook in your project
  2. In your main function, add console_error_panic_hook::set_once();

If this is unclear, click here for an example.

Now you should have much better panic messages in the browser console!

2) Editor Autocompletion inside #[component] and #[server]

Because of the nature of macros (they can expand from anything to anything, but only if the input is exactly correct at that instant) it can be hard for rust-analyzer to do proper autocompletion and other support.

If you run into issues using these macros in your editor, you can explicitly tell rust-analyzer to ignore certain proc macros. For the #[server] macro especially, which annotates function bodies but doesn't actually transform anything inside the body of your function, this can be really helpful.


Starting in Leptos version 0.5.3, rust-analyzer support was added for the #[component] macro, but if you run into issues, you may want to add #[component] to the macro ignore list as well (see below). Note that this means that rust-analyzer doesn't know about your component props, which may generate its own set of errors or warnings in the IDE.

VSCode settings.json:

"rust-analyzer.procMacro.ignored": {
	"leptos_macro": [
        // optional:
		// "component",

VSCode with cargo-leptos settings.json:

"rust-analyzer.procMacro.ignored": {
	"leptos_macro": [
        // optional:
		// "component",
// if code that is cfg-gated for the `ssr` feature is shown as inactive,
// you may want to tell rust-analyzer to enable the `ssr` feature by default
// you can also use `rust-analyzer.cargo.allFeatures` to enable all features
"rust-analyzer.cargo.features": ["ssr"]

neovim with lspconfig:

require('lspconfig').rust_analyzer.setup {
  -- Other Configs ...
  settings = {
    ["rust-analyzer"] = {
      -- Other Settings ...
      procMacro = {
        ignored = {
            leptos_macro = {
                -- optional: --
                -- "component",

Helix, in .helix/languages.toml:

name = "rust"

config = { procMacro = { ignored = { leptos_macro = [
	# Optional:
	# "component",
] } } }

Zed, in settings.json:

  -- Other Settings ...
  "lsp": {
    "rust-analyzer": {
      "procMacro": {
        "ignored": [
          // optional:
          // "component",

SublimeText 3, under LSP-rust-analyzer.sublime-settings in Goto Anything... menu:

// Settings in here override those in "LSP-rust-analyzer/LSP-rust-analyzer.sublime-settings"
  "rust-analyzer.procMacro.ignored": {
    "leptos_macro": [
      // optional:
      // "component",

3) Set up leptosfmt With Rust Analyzer (optional)

leptosfmt is a formatter for the Leptos view! macro (inside of which you'll typically write your UI code). Because the view! macro enables an 'RSX' (like JSX) style of writing your UI's, cargo-fmt has a harder time auto-formatting your code that's inside the view! macro. leptosfmt is a crate that solves your formatting issues and keeps your RSX-style UI code looking nice and tidy!

leptosfmt can be installed and used via the command line or from within your code editor:

First, install the tool with cargo install leptosfmt.

If you just want to use the default options from the command line, just run leptosfmt ./**/*.rs from the root of your project to format all the rust files using leptosfmt.

If you wish to set up your editor to work with leptosfmt, or if you wish to customize your leptosfmt experience, please see the instructions available on the leptosfmt github repo's README.md page.

Just note that it's recommended to set up your editor with leptosfmt on a per-workspace basis for best results.