
<ActionForm/> is a specialized <Form/> that takes a server action, and automatically dispatches it on form submission. This allows you to call a server function directly from a <form>, even without JS/WASM.

The process is simple:

  1. Define a server function using the #[server] macro (see Server Functions.)
  2. Create an action using create_server_action, specifying the type of the server function you’ve defined.
  3. Create an <ActionForm/>, providing the server action in the action prop.
  4. Pass the named arguments to the server function as form fields with the same names.

Note: <ActionForm/> only works with the default URL-encoded POST encoding for server functions, to ensure graceful degradation/correct behavior as an HTML form.

#[server(AddTodo, "/api")]
pub async fn add_todo(title: String) -> Result<(), ServerFnError> {

fn AddTodo() -> impl IntoView {
	let add_todo = create_server_action::<AddTodo>();
	// holds the latest *returned* value from the server
	let value = add_todo.value();
	// check if the server has returned an error
	let has_error = move || value.with(|val| matches!(val, Some(Err(_))));

	view! {
		<ActionForm action=add_todo>
				"Add a Todo"
				// `title` matches the `title` argument to `add_todo`
				<input type="text" name="title"/>
			<input type="submit" value="Add"/>

It’s really that easy. With JS/WASM, your form will submit without a page reload, storing its most recent submission in the .input() signal of the action, its pending status in .pending(), and so on. (See the Action docs for a refresher, if you need.) Without JS/WASM, your form will submit with a page reload. If you call a redirect function (from leptos_axum or leptos_actix) it will redirect to the correct page. By default, it will redirect back to the page you’re currently on. The power of HTML, HTTP, and isomorphic rendering mean that your <ActionForm/> simply works, even with no JS/WASM.

Client-Side Validation

Because the <ActionForm/> is just a <form>, it fires a submit event. You can use either HTML validation, or your own client-side validation logic in an on:submit. Just call ev.prevent_default() to prevent submission.

The FromFormData trait can be helpful here, for attempting to parse your server function’s data type from the submitted form.

let on_submit = move |ev| {
	let data = AddTodo::from_event(&ev);
	// silly example of validation: if the todo is "nope!", nope it
	if data.is_err() || data.unwrap().title == "nope!" {
		// ev.prevent_default() will prevent form submission

Complex Inputs

Server function arguments that are structs with nested serializable fields should make use of indexing notation of serde_qs.

use leptos::*;
use leptos_router::*;

#[derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize, Debug, Clone)]
struct HeftyData {
    first_name: String,
    last_name: String,

fn ComplexInput() -> impl IntoView {
    let submit = Action::<VeryImportantFn, _>::server();

    view! {
      <ActionForm action=submit>
        <input type="text" name="hefty_arg[first_name]" value="leptos"/>
        <input type="submit"/>

async fn very_important_fn(
    hefty_arg: HeftyData,
) -> Result<(), ServerFnError> {
    assert_eq!(hefty_arg.first_name.as_str(), "leptos");
    assert_eq!(hefty_arg.last_name.as_str(), "closures-everywhere");