
<ActionForm/> is a specialized <Form/> that takes a server action, and automatically dispatches it on form submission. This allows you to call a server function directly from a <form>, even without JS/WASM.

The process is simple:

  1. Define a server function using the #[server] macro (see Server Functions.)
  2. Create an action using ServerAction::new(), specifying the type of the server function you’ve defined.
  3. Create an <ActionForm/>, providing the server action in the action prop.
  4. Pass the named arguments to the server function as form fields with the same names.

Note: <ActionForm/> only works with the default URL-encoded POST encoding for server functions, to ensure graceful degradation/correct behavior as an HTML form.

pub async fn add_todo(title: String) -> Result<(), ServerFnError> {

fn AddTodo() -> impl IntoView {
    let add_todo = ServerAction::<AddTodo>::new();
    // holds the latest *returned* value from the server
    let value = add_todo.value();
    // check if the server has returned an error
    let has_error = move || value.with(|val| matches!(val, Some(Err(_))));

    view! {
        <ActionForm action=add_todo>
                "Add a Todo"
                // `title` matches the `title` argument to `add_todo`
                <input type="text" name="title"/>
            <input type="submit" value="Add"/>

It’s really that easy. With JS/WASM, your form will submit without a page reload, storing its most recent submission in the .input() signal of the action, its pending status in .pending(), and so on. (See the Action docs for a refresher, if you need.) Without JS/WASM, your form will submit with a page reload. If you call a redirect function (from leptos_axum or leptos_actix) it will redirect to the correct page. By default, it will redirect back to the page you’re currently on. The power of HTML, HTTP, and isomorphic rendering mean that your <ActionForm/> simply works, even with no JS/WASM.

Client-Side Validation

Because the <ActionForm/> is just a <form>, it fires a submit event. You can use either HTML validation, or your own client-side validation logic in an on:submit. Just call ev.prevent_default() to prevent submission.

The FromFormData trait can be helpful here, for attempting to parse your server function’s data type from the submitted form.

let on_submit = move |ev| {
	let data = AddTodo::from_event(&ev);
	// silly example of validation: if the todo is "nope!", nope it
	if data.is_err() || data.unwrap().title == "nope!" {
		// ev.prevent_default() will prevent form submission


This pattern is temporarily broken on 0.7 due to changes in event delegation. If you want it to work, you can enable the delegation feature on the leptos crate in your Cargo.toml. Read this issue for more context.

Complex Inputs

Server function arguments that are structs with nested serializable fields should make use of indexing notation of serde_qs.

#[derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize, Debug, Clone)]
struct HeftyData {
    first_name: String,
    last_name: String,

fn ComplexInput() -> impl IntoView {
    let submit = ServerAction::<VeryImportantFn>::new();

    view! {
      <ActionForm action=submit>
        <input type="text" name="hefty_arg[first_name]" value="leptos"/>
        <input type="submit"/>

async fn very_important_fn(hefty_arg: HeftyData) -> Result<(), ServerFnError> {
    assert_eq!(hefty_arg.first_name.as_str(), "leptos");
    assert_eq!(hefty_arg.last_name.as_str(), "closures-everywhere");